Found a way how to edit FNIRSI's custom wave that is used for scope generation. it is by drawing samples in an audio software and tweaking in hex editor due to a bug in audio editor are screenshots before and after modification.
There upto 298 samples per capture that you can edit and then supply into Fnirsi DPOX180H back to use as output for its generator.
The format of samples is 8 bit. Low values corresponds to high amplitude. So to output max amplitude, draw waveform down. That is why the picture in audio editor looks mirrored vertically. Samples with values (low amplitude) will be clipped in output up to the values that shown on the screenshot below. It seems the very first 4 bytes in file are not samples as they have following format: 2 bytes is waveform number shown in built-in browser and the next 2 bytes is the length of waveform. I prefer to do not touch it as I am afraid it can broke or hang the scope. Sample number starting from 4 are the ones that safe to modify for the first Capture. I noticed that last sample in waveform is 0. Not sure does it go to generator to make waveform or used for other reason. All captures are stored in one file.
I tried to find its limit by output single sample at a highest frequency. Rise time is 20ns per volt.
I found that sometimes this audio software mess up with the file by incrementing every byte by one when it save file, including the metadata such as capture number and length of waveform making it useless. Sometimes it works fine. Not sure what cause issue. Sounds like an issue in that particular audio software. So final tweaks I made in hex editor, otherwise FNIRSI hangs upon opening captures browser.
How to modify:
- Capture some waveform with the scope
- connect scope to pc
- copy file Captures\data.cap to Captures.raw
- open the file Captures\data.raw with the audio software WavaPad as unsigned 8 bit raw data. That software accepts file extension raw, so before loading file needs to be renamed as .raw.
- Click on the draw button and draw by holding down the mouse button over waveform starting from sample number 4 upto the amount of samples written in bytes 3 and 4 (u16). There also audio effects, including filters and a form generator to have more fun.
- You will also see your previous captures there and be able to adjust them.
- When finish, save the file
- Open in hex editor to make a final tweak with data if necessary as audio software can mess up with indexes and frame length by incrementing data by 1.
- Rename back to data.cap.
Which waveform would be cool to see?
I also looked at the format of saved waveforms, the ones that creates by pressing SAVEW button. It seems 16 bit, 48k samples per file and can also be seen with the audio editor using the same technique. I guess audio data can be played, but might need some speed and pitch effect to be applied.