Thank you @Furna and @kripton2035 for the feedback, glad to know that it starts working !
seems to work fine on the arm/sonoma version for me. even a 100Mpts acquisition seems to work, but it takes a long time to come to the computer (20-30s)
That's perfectly normal : there is a huge amount of data to transfer over TCP (that's 100Mbyte per channel), it takes quite some time.
Anyone with a Rigol DHO800 or 900 was able to play with it ?
I created a new version to try and solve triggering issues on large time bases :
Windows (64bits) installer (zip password is 'sigrok').
08/04/2024 UpdateSiglent SDS :
- Fixed triggering issues on large timebases
- Known limitations :
- USB acquisition does not work (use TCP/IP with Raw TCP and port 5025)
- LA acquisition pagination (for memory depth > 5Mpts) is not working on SDS 2000X HD (firmware issue ?) causing the first 5Mpts to be replicated several times
- LA acquisition might fail for memory depth > 50 Mpts
I worked with @Frex too to fix support for SDS 2000X Plus and he reported that he managed a 100Mpts acquisition on 4 analog channels + 16 digital channels !
Please keep the feedback coming!