...so I finally got around to cutting off ~20cm of lead length on one my DP10013 probes. I haven't done any proper measurements of the new frequency response after the mod, but it sure did make an improvement regarding ringing!
The attached pic shows 3 different probes measuring the same signal, yellow is a (decent) 300MHz 100:1 passive probe, green is the modified DP10013, and orange is the un-modified DP10013. Ignoring the skew between the signals, the modded Micsig is much closer to the passive reference probe (which here I am regarding as being a lot more likely to represent the true signal).
Time permitting I'll try and check out the frequency response of the modded vs original probe, but given what I've seen so far I suspect I'll be doing the same change to the other one of the pair I bought.
Note: both diff probes had their leads twisted together. Results would be different if not doing this - unfortunately it makes a fairly big change in their response.