It's pretty easy to replicate, just get it decoding something then adjust the sweep until it starts changing decoded bytes from vertical to horizontal display or vice-versa. At some point some of the decoded data will be shown in one orientation and some in another, depending on the space in each particular decode-hexagon thing. Still works, just looks messy. Probably would be visually better to default to the space-saving version until everything (on either the whole screen or at least within the same decoder-hexagon) can be shown in the same (wider) orientation then switch, rather than doing it byte-by-byte.
On another note I've been doing some I2C decoding and have seen issues with a device that runs with SCL low during idle periods. This is not really how things should be done (SCL should idle high), but is resulting in completely invalid decoding even during non-idle periods. It looks like a valid start condition is actually be generated (SCL goes back high before SDA does anything) and the devices on the bus seem to be happy with it, but the scope freaks out. I can probably get a screen grab of this if needed. This is on FW 2.101 btw, I'll update to the latest and check for the issue again but it's not mentioned in the change notes (though I do see there is an update to self-alignment, which I had trouble with on 2.101 - seemed to work on hot days but not on cold!).