I have been using this 1000x with the wave gen for a month or two now. Overall I am happy. The probes are a bit lacking (one of them doesn't always snap back to clamp on to things when you pull back the witch's hat). I have other probes, so it is not a major concern, but that is really the biggest complaint.
I really wish I could set the trigger source more easily (front panel button or double tap the channel or something). It requires about three or four presses right now. I am used to analog scopes with a knob or switch to change the trigger source.
Would be nice to be able to set AC/DC coupling with a button. Again, something you take for granted on an analog scope. This is pretty easy on this scope, though. These are some very commonly used features that should be readily accessible, IMO.
The scope is generally quite fast. Though a big FFT will start to make is sluggish like a cheaper scope.
You only seem to be able to display a single reference waveform along with the live waveforms. Ideally you could show both. There is no warning to overwrite a reference waveform, and no undo. It is very easy to accidentally overwrite the last reference waveform you stored. If you ask me the scope should toggle the default write slot from the last saved reference waveform to the other one so that you would be less likely to do this. Perhaps a warning as well.
The grid intensity setting gets reset when you hit the Default Setup button. I need to see if I can save my own settings as the "Default Setup," but I have yet to see that feature. I like the grid much more transparent (8%).
Using this scope is almost as snappy as using an analog scope, in terms of perceived speed. I mean there is no comparison with moving a trace up and down on an analog scope, but it is pretty close.
I do find the rotary encoders have some sort of acceleration that is frequently not quite doing what I want. They are fine for basic features like moving the trace up and down, etc. it is just the interaction when setting mainly numeric values by turning the encoders.
Black or dark grey cases on scopes show dirt less (flux fingers), and make the screen appear more contrasts and easier to read (you watch a movie with the lights off).
Those are my thoughts on the 1000X. Overall I am quite satisfied. I only bring these things up in case perhaps Daniel can add them to some sort of wishlist for firmware updates.