It all depends on decimation ratio, and how it is done. If you decimate down to 64k points (MZ IV used 32kpts) from 1 MPts buffer, or to same 64kpts from 20MPts buffer we could argue you lost even more data.
For the two methods results are not exactly the same because I can use method of "enlarging the feature to measure" as I have to do on MSOX3000T also on on Siglent SDS3000xHD and get even better results, but I cannot do the other way around.
By making individual measurements less dependent to specialized individual setup, you can measure more of them simultaneously and get good results for all of them.
With both ways you can characterize some signal and get good data. But ironically, with very fast (in user experience and WFMs/s) you are slower because you do measurements one by one and get stats by spending user time.
Other way of doing things gets you more good data in parallel. That is why that type of scope is called "analytic scope". As opposed to what I would call "interactive scope"...
First type excels when doing R&D and R.E. to get deep insight into signals. Second type is "service" and "tweak" type, when you are looking specific things, and is closer to workflow of CRT analog scopes..
Tool for the job.
As the time goes by the two types are starting to merge in the middle a bit.