It sounds like you have your mind made up that you for sure want a bench DMM, so this is probably a useless comment, but wanted to share anyways. I have no real need for a bench meter (hobby/personal learning), and have multiple handhelds that cover everything I need to do. For years I avoided even looking at bench meters because of lack of need, but when the ITT used GDM-8251As got down to $100 last year I made an impulse buy on one. I didn't need its extra resolution or additional features, but am really happy I did. It is an absolute joy to use. I pretty much turn it on (and leave it on) anytime I'm at the bench. Other than being able to leave it on for hours at a time and not having to worry about draining the batteries, I'm not sure why I prefer using it over the handhelds, there's just something about it. Recently I've even been looking at other bench meters.