Sorry for not being more clear, I've noticed when comparing the waveforms that these probes see vs. a Tek probe on the same scope that these tend to have more noise. The finer tip is needed due to the size components I work with, 1.3mm in diameter on the H&S probes vs .75mm in diameter on the Tek probe I have. I'll read the link, but I was trained on using scopes by two seasoned electronics engineers, so I'm confident I'm using them correctly; however anything is possible.
Many seasoned electronics engineers use scope probes "suboptimally". It isn't a subject explicitly taught during courses, so many end up learning the hard way.
I would expect the trace from a *1 40pF scope probe to look less "noisy" than that from a *10 10pF probe, due to attenuation and the low pass filtering effect.
What was the signal amplitude, frequency, risetime for digital circuits, impedance and/or logic family?
Was the noise broadband or single frequency?
Was the noise correlated with the signal?
How was the probe connected to the UUT?
A photo of the problematic scope traces and how the probe is connected to the UUT would be useful.