Well I've tried now reseating the card, cleaning the contacts with IPA (why not contact cleaner, I've deoxit at the ready, though I'll admit they don't look like they need it), and even changing PCI slots. No difference with the ScopeID or touch panel usage, for whatever reason, though I got some weird color problems and a totally normal boot when I reseated the AGP card the first time.
I feel like at least for my symptoms, people are on different pages. At least with this system, it's not booting into demo mode - the waveforms displayed are read from the input BNCs and ranges/coupling/timebase settings and the controls respond properly (it even self calibrates correctly through the service menu). Right now my only issues are the ScopeID being misreported, which I believe is the cause of no options existing in the software (though perhaps there's one failure that's causing both), and the touchscreen not being found. The touchscreen worked properly under XStream version 6 but appears to have stopped working since upgrading to 8. In other observations which probably aren't faults: in the device manager after fully installing appropriate drivers for the PCI card, it only shows up as a single device (Multifunction DSO device or something), even though it's nearly a dozen different elements on install. Switching PCI slots causes all to be reinstalled (correct behavior), but the second slot is tight enough of the wiring loom I wouldn't want to just leave it there without redoing the looming. Worth noting that the serial number in XStream is reported correctly even when the ScopeID isn't, and it identifies as a WP7100, even though it's a 7300 (probably an option not working/being read, if I were to guess). For completeness, I'm using a clean XP install since this unit arrived without a hard drive. I installed the OS, the motherboard drivers, the UPDD drivers, XStream 6, then XStream 8, and the WP7200 driver package a couple times in between to be sure.
In any case, I'm wondering about a couple of specific things that I hope someone has insight into:
Where is the ScopeID actually stored? Is it part of the DS2433 on the PCI card? On the acquisition board? On the fan controller/display board? Something generated or stored by XStream? If I can pin down where it is, I should be able to troubleshoot why it's not being retrieved.
Is it possible to manually force a 'refresh' of the ScopeID/options/serial number information? In some service menu panels and in the registry, it seems to mention that data being cached, so I'm wondering if there's a way to convince it to reread the data in case it was bad before and that data was stored without retrying. In the registry there's one short value (8 hex characters, just shy of a ScopeID), and one long value that looks approximately like the dump of the DS2433, a few lines of data and then all zeroes, should these be the contents read from the PCI board? Are they unrelated? Should I delete them and see what repopulates?
Otherwise I think my next course of action is to poke around on the PCI card. Voltages appear normal and no chips are cooking themselves. There's a MAX232A up near one of the ribbons that I think is the transceiver for the touchscreen that I can probe to see if there's activity, and for whatever reason (different kind of part used once?) the footprint for the DS2433 has traces routed to most pins - odd for a one wire device - so I could probe the pins I know it uses for data to see if anything's being read as a starting point. I could pull the acquisition board and start checking too, but from failures I've seen there... it would report other issues while booting. I can also read board version information correctly from the service menu, so I think the control FPGA and the basic housekeeping stuff on that board is all happy.