The two thermal cameras arrived today. Perfect timing
I have quickly fired them up and taken some quick and dirty pictures of the cameras and the displayed image. I will need to install an SD card to do some decent thermal image captures but you will get an idea of what the camera can do from these prelim pictures.
The cameras are smaller and lighter than I had expected and are perfect for discrete mobile use as they look like a standard digital camera. Great for when crossing borders into countries that are fussy about certain technology
The camera can behave just like a normal visible light digital point and shoot as it has a visible light camera installed and a mode for just such pictures.
I have taken a close up of the lens. Its close focus capability is excellent as shown in the pictures of a small PCB. The pictures I have taken do not do the image on the camera justice as it is pin sharp. Look at the lens design is like no other thermal camera lens that I have seen..... its some sort of concave/convex hybrid
Concave lenses are common but the convex outer rim is a little unusual.
Pictures show the cameras as received, the Sony Video light that is used to illuminate dark scenes for the visible light camera, an image of a Sony PSU, Images of a small 1"x2" PCB and the close up of the lens.