What comments? The info in the cells?
Can you change the cell colors? I cannot read black font on dark blue background. I would appreciate if you can lighten up the blue a little. For example Row 2.
If not, is it possible I can get an editable version so I can change the cell colors?
The file is editable. You might have to click the "Enable Editing" button in excel (usually comes up in a yellow banner underneath the ribbon) because excel doesn't usually trust files downloaded from the internet.
Comments are in every cell with a red triangle in the top right. Hover over one of those cells and you will see text. I just autosized those because not all of the text showed up in the pop-up window before, at least in my version of Excel.
I don't see the color issue on my screen, but in excel, you can use Ctrl+H (find and replace). Then click Options > Next to "Find what" click Format > Choose Format From Cell > and click the cell with the color you can't read. Then you can change the format you want to replace it with by clicking "Format" that is next to "Replace with" and when you're finished, click Replace All.
This may be slightly different in older excel versions, but I remember it was still possible to find and replace based on the cell format.