You proved with your test that the ammeter function is working. What range did you have it set to? Did you try changing ranges? What sort of current reading are you expecting? Can you make a video to show what's happening?
There's not really a range dial. There's a setting for A/mA (high current) and one for mA/uA (low current). Probably not going to post a video. I'm sure I can get this figured out without going that far.
Not a range dial. Range button. On the mA/A range, you can select 6 or 10A ranges. On the 6A range you get A to 3 decimal places.
On the 10A range you only get 2 decimal places. Since you don't know about the range button, you'll just be on auto range.
As you know about the prove-test-prove method, and you've proven than the DMM A range is working, with the battery, then test your DUT, then prove again that the DMM is still working, and then you know that if you're not getting a reading from your DUT, that it's the Device that is at fault, not the meter.