i wanted to get the signal from my new MS05074 to the PC in a format which i can use for other programs. Therefor i studied a bit the possible formats which can be saved on the scope or transferred via Ethernet.
I liked the WFM format from my old DS1052E because it stores all settings within the header. But at the moment I don’t know the specific locations for the needed informations within the header. And the format seems to have changed compared to the DS1054Z or DS1052E. So I tried the BIN format and after I compared these two I found out that only the header differs.
For the BIN format I only know that the header is 168 bytes long before the data for the samples start and I know the following offsets.
Offset | Content |
000-004 | Rigol Identifier (RG01H) |
044-04D | Record date (2019-03-29) |
054-05B | Record time (19:08:46) |
064-06A | Modelname (MSO5074) |
06C-078 | Serialnumber of the model (MS5A2108XXXXX) |
0A8-end | 1 Byte for each sample |
All other Bytes within the header doesn’t change with different settings. So it seems that there is no information about the timebase or voltage scaling.
For the WFM format I only know the offset at which the data for the samples start which is 0x197D. The data format is identical to the BIN format. If somebody has more information on the WFM format for the MSO5000 series I would be happy to know it.
So at the moment I have the problem that with both formats I can’t decode the data into representable data on the PC. The CSV format is not practical because it gets too large and is too slow to store for a larger amount of samples.
Then I tried to get the data from the scope via Ethernet and the LXI interface which started better compared to the approach with the files. I wrote a little python program which grabs the samples within the internal memory.
There I could select an ASCII format, which shows the finished Voltage level for each sample but needed 14 bytes for each sample. So this is only practical for small amount of data but directly usable without doing any math. As an alternative I can select a binary format as Bytes or Words. Because the scope only have an 8Bit ADC i used Bytes to lower the amount of transferred data.
At first I visualized the raw bytes without any scaling or offset to see the waveform and was wondering why it looked a bit different from the screenshot. After I overlayed the transferred signal on the screenshot I saw the difference.
The thicker blue line is copied out of LibreOffice Calc which I used to get the waveform from the raw Bytes. The input signal had a larger y range than the screen would display. Interestingly within the transferred raw Bytes I get a wider voltage range compared to the values seen on the screen.
The problem I had was how to calculate the measured voltage from the sampled Byte. To get a starting point I transferred the same waveform in ASCII and Byte format while the scope was in stop mode. So for each byte I had the corresponding calculated floating point value.
Here is an example for the 500mV/DIV range with an 10x probe.
Byte | Float |
000 | -2,246298E+00 |
001 | -2,228748E+00 |
… | |
127 | -1,754920E-02 |
128 | +0,000000E+00 |
129 | +1,754920E-02 |
… | |
254 | +2,211199E+00 |
255 | +2,228748E+00 |
It could be seen that the whole range of 255 possible values are used. The value for one Bit is 17,5494mV and the zero line is at Byte 128.
After I did this analysis for a few Voltage ranges I saw that they are not linear scaled to each other. So for the 5V/DIV Range the value for one Bit is not 10 times the value for 500mV/DIV. So I get the values for all possible ranges from a little python script which automatically sets the scope to all possible ranges, gets the waveform and calculates the corresponding value for one Bit and possible max and min values. I attached the result as text file.
So I thought I have what I was looking for and could transfer the desired data directly over Ethernet to my PC and calculate the final waveform. But after a few more tests I found a big problem with my approach. When I try to get the data in ASCII format the scope starts to behave strange at around 110000 samples to be transferred. It sometimes doesn’t start at all and sometimes it works. When I go beyond 110000 it doesn’t transmit them at all. And I see the same behavior when selecting Byte as format. There I can get up to 13800000 Bytes until I see this problem. So it is way more but the scope also doesn’t send the data anymore when I try to get a greater amount of samples.
I don’t know what the problem could be because in the programming spec for the MSO5000 series it is written that I could get as much samples as the current setting is within the scope.
Here are a few console commands to test this behavior with Linux. My scope has the IP address and the scope memory depth is set to 20M.
Stop updating the screen
echo ":STOP" | nc -w1 5555
Select the raw mode to get all samples and not only the ones shown on the screen
echo ":WAV:MODE RAW" | nc -w1 5555
Select channel 1
echo ":WAV:SOUR CHAN1" | nc -w1 5555
Select the wanted format as ASCII
echo ":WAV:FORM ASCII" | nc -w1 5555
or Byte
echo ":WAV:FORM BYTE" | nc -w1 5555
Select the wanted sample range from 1 to 10000
echo ":WAV:STAR 1" | nc -w1 5555
echo ":WAV:STOP 10000" | nc -w1 5555
Get the samples and save them to a file
echo ":WAV:DATA?" | nc -w1 5555 > /tmp/test.data
As soon as I change "WAV:STOP" to
>=110000 for ASCII or
>=13800000 for Byte the data is no more transmitted from the scope. I used Wireshark to verify if the data really doesn't get transmitted or maybe I have a problem on the receiving side of my PC but the scope only acknowledges (TCP ACK) the command and than it does nothing.
It would be nice if somebody can try this and tell me if he can reproduce this behavior or not. I don’t think that such a bug exists in the firmware but at the moment I don’t know how to transfer the whole waveform from the scope memory to the PC over Ethernet.
If somebody is interested he can download my self written Python program from my private GIT repository. The comments are in german but I think it is quite clear what it does.
https://quakeman.mooo.com/gitweb/?p=code/python.git;a=tree;f=Verschiedenes;hb=HEADThe needed files are MSO5000_Connection.py for the basic connection to the scope and MSO5000_Tools.py for executing different tasks with the scope. At the moment MSO5000_Tools needs the following parameters:
- --path=/temp/test (Path to where the resulting files will be created)
- --ip= (IP address of the scope)
- --port=5555 (TCP Port of the scope, normally 5555)
- --savedata=VCD/CSV (Stores the waveform from all active channels as VCD or CSV as file)
- --testscope (Get test files for “Raw” and “Normal” data as ASCII and BIN files)
- --getscaling (Measure all voltage ranges and calculate Voltage/Bit scalings and max/min values for each range)