If there is an AC voltage of any significance the modern good hand held (like a Fluke) will measure only the AC voltage.in AC mode
If there is also DC voltage it will measure that separately in DC mode.
It will not add them together. A fancy bench meter like an HP 3456 will add them together, if you want it to.
For your specific meter, you would have to read the instructions, some of these things work a bit differently than others.
Some old fashioned analog meters add the DC to the AC volts in normal AC mode and some analog meters can measure AC separately, using a blocking capacitor.
Some fancier analog meters work like a modern hand held and use the same sort of transistor circuitry, these things are not common.
I do not think these meters are suitable for measuring ripple, it would have to be a pretty high ripple to even show up and ripple can be in higher freq than the meter can rectify to measure