Well you guys may have remembered me from back when I brought up the issue of the capacitors used in my power supply and the buss bar to metal frame clearance issue. Well today I have fixed both of these issues. The capXon capacitor values were 25 volt, 47uF; 50 volt, 10uF; and 50 volt, 3.3 uF. All replaced with Rubycon YXJ series except for the 10uF, which is a Nichicon TT series. I also put a single layer of Kapton tape on the surface of the enclosure that is close to the buss bars as you can see here:
http://s24.postimg.org/5pq4h86hh/S1020001.jpgI did a 24 hour load test for this 24 volt power supply by using a 0.50 ohm, 1000 watt resistor with a box fan blowing on it. The PSU did not let out any magic smoke and it held voltage at 23.95 volts.
The 1000 watt beast resistor:
http://s22.postimg.org/43prle61t/S1020002.jpgSo far I am satisfied with the results and have been using this power supply to characterize DC motors. Glad it works so well!! It also has no overshoot issues upon power up.