I got my MDO3014 today and, thanks to the people in this thread, it is now liberated from all that marketing junk
I also upgraded the firmware to 1.30 (from 1.22) after the mod and then ran SPC
Before the mod, I measured the 3dB BW and it was actually around 250-260MHz
did anybody notice that before?
After the upgrade it is 570-580MHz on all channels
the scope can trigger stably up to 700MHz
All other options also work. The SA works up to 3GHz and it is a very nice handy thing to have but it never replaces a real SA at all.
It has a pretty good noise floor and pretty accurate readings. However there are two visible spurs at 1.25GHz and 2.5GHz which is obvious why...
The integrated AFG is very very limited (no sweep and no modulation and low amplitude) clearly it is because they wanted to save their AFG market
However, I am still wondering what happens if 1GHz option is selected? Will the scope fail self test or SPC? Is it possible to exactly go back to the previous state (500MHz) with no consequence?
Did anybody ever try the 1GHz option?
I dont care about not reaching 1GHz but I want to have the 5Gs/s and <1ns/div. is that possible?