I apologize for reopening such ancient thread, but the information here was very helpful so far. I just got one from user Ground_Loop and it has been giving me some work to do. What initially was a power supply issue (already fixed), now it seems to have developed to a general issue on the analog part - a +10V net is around 8.5V, which is throwing off the autorange and the overall functionality of the equipment.
I am using the schematics provided here, but wanted to know if someone else has a better resolution one. Although the existing one is immensely better than nothing, there are quite a few things that are hard to read and I feel it might be missing one detail or another.
So, if someone has a better scanned schematics to share, that would be very helpful. Also, if someone has the error codes of this equipment, that would also help (I am getting errors 02 and 03 on occasion, which I think are related to calibration values but I can't be sure).