I hope that the following is of interest. Given that the LeCroy WaveJet is coming to the end of its commercial
life there might be some bargains around (I got my 334 cheap for a 350MHz four channel scope with 4 500MHz probes).
If nothing else it can make all you Agilent and Rigol owners feel smug at the superior performance of your scopes!

I've been wanting to measure the waveforms per second of my WaveJet since I got it but it lacks a trigger out, and I don't have a counter
nor do I have a signal generator (yet - I'm still trying to find what I want).
Then I realised that the history feature of the WaveJet would allow me to measure it using just my 10MHz OCXO with a double check from
my GPS module which produces a 100ms wide 1pps signal.
The history feature give a time stamp to 0.1secs and up to 1024 saved waveforms.
Measurement techniqueI setup the WaveJet for the conditions that I'd use for looking at a signal for potential glitches -
Memory 500 points per screen (Giving a history of 1024 screens)
Peak detect (at slower time bases)
Lines off (except when looking at the history - NB lines aren't needed as
you are seeing 1024 screens at once so essentially 500,000 points on view.)
Note that this setup doesn't allow zooming and the sample rate is relatively slow at
longer time bases but with peak detect essentially the sample rate is 1GS/s. At the
faster time bases the sample rate is 2GS/s.
The scenario is if you see a glitch you look at it in the history and then set a
trigger to catch it in detail using more memory.
I did not set screen persistence as having 1024 screens on at once there is
persistence built in.
method 1I set the 10MHz signal to channel 1 and the 1pps 100ms wide signal to channel 3.
Trigger was set to channel 1.
After pressing stop I went through the history, the level of channel 3 goes high
for 100ms and I could count the number of screens saved with the high signal giving
me a direct measurement of wave forms in 1/10 sec.
method 2Again trigger of the 10MHz signal and the note the time stamps of the saved wave forms.
Look for the wave forms on either side of where the 0.1 second time stamp changes and
then count (by looking at their numbers) the number of wave forms a whole number of 1/10ths
of a second apart.
I used method 2 for two channels to get a comparison with method 1 and as can be seen from
the table there is good agreement.
I then repeated using just one channel which gives the fastest wave form rate and matches
the conditions in Agilents app note.
ResultsThe table gives the results. The first two columns are from Agilent's app note. The first is
for the Agilent 2000X series, the second is Agilents results for the WaveJet. The columns
for my results are labelled pps for method 1 and ts (time stamp) for method 2.
Note how pessimistic Agilent's results for the WaveJet are. Particularly striking are those
for the longer time bases where Agilent set the WaveJet up for the maximum memory, e.g.
the difference at 20us/div Agilent have the value of just
35 whilst I measured
2,550!Also note at faster time bases Agilent's WaveJet figures top out at 1000 whilst I measured up to
4,700 - given that the WaveJet doesn't have a trigger out and has a history memory of around 1000
I suspect Agilent just used this.
The nominal maximum for the WaveJet is 3,600 so I found I got slightly better results than this.
One odd anomaly is those at 5ms/div where I measure only 8.5 instead of it being nearer 20. I
remeasured this a number of times and always got the same results (which equal the nominally
slower 10ms/div results). I don't know why this is the case.
ConclusionsThough the WaveJet does not have a fast update rate compared to the Agilent 2000X series, the latest
Rigol (and certainly not the Agilent 3000X series!) it is not nearly as bad as Agilent
paints it in their app note.
In fact at slower timebases it is faster than Agilent!
| Agilent | Agilent | 2 channel | 2 channel | 1 channel | |
Timebase | 2000X | WJ | (pps) | (ts) | (ts) | Max Possible |
1ns/div | NA | NA | 2350 | 2377 | 4,700 | 100,000,000 |
2ns/div | 54000 | 1000 | 2360 | 2370 | 4,650 | 50,000,000 |
5ns/div | 54000 | 1000 | 2320 | 2340 | 4,660 | 20,000,000 |
10ns/div | 54000 | 1000 | 2200 | 2210 | 4,380 | 10,000,000 |
20ns/div | 54000 | 1000 | 2000 | 2020 | 3,990 | 5,000,000 |
50ns/div | 54000 | 1000 | 2080 | 2090 | 4,070 | 2,000,000 |
100ns/div | 52000 | 1000 | 1870 | 1910 | 3,825 | 1,000,000 |
200ns/div | 49000 | 1000 | 1810 | 1830 | 3,610 | 500,000 |
500ns/div | 43000 | 1000 | 1530 | 1550 | 3,095 | 200,000 |
1us/div | 35000 | 625 | 1450 | 1450 | 3,065 | 100,000 |
2us/div | 26000 | 300 | 1580 | 1610 | 3,355 | 50,000 |
5us/div | 18000 | 150 | 1640 | 1670 | 3,185 | 20,000 |
10us/div | 9000 | 70 | 1580 | 1600 | 2,955 | 10,000 |
20us/div | 4500 | 35 | 1470 | 1480 | 2,550 | 5,000 |
50us/div | 1800 | 35 | 1190 | 1200 | 1,803 | 2,000 |
100us/div | 900 | 35 | 900 | 910 | 942 | 1,000 |
200us/div | 460 | 35 | 470 | 471 | 466 | 500 |
500us/div | 170 | 25 | 190 | 190 | 191 | 200 |
1ms/div | 60 | 20 | 95.6 | 96.1 | 95.7 | 100 |
2ms/div | 43 | 15 | 48 | 48 | 48 | 50 |
5ms/div | 18 | 10 | 8.5 | 8.5 | 8.5 | 20 |
10ms/div | 9 | 7 | - | 8.5 | - | 10 |
20ms/div | 5 | 4 | - | 4.8 | - | 5 |
50ms/div | 2 | 2 | - | 1.9 | - | 2 |
100ms/div | 1 | 1 | - | 0.96 | - | 1 |
PostScript added 23 May 2013Did a few more experiments turning various features on and off. Found that turning lines off during capture makes a big difference at 500ns/div and very little difference at 1ns/div (which is not surprising as it only plots a few points).
At 500nS div with lines on the rate dropped to only
150 wf/s whilst turning lines off and using points it went back to
2,820 wf/s (a little less than the previous result of 3,095 but I may have had a few other things different).
In most circumstances the lines add little when the memory is set to 500 as the screen is showing 1024 lots of 500 points each slightly offset because the scope and the waveform won't be exactly in sync so the net effect is a very complete curve. The only thing is with glitches, they are slightly less visible if they are very sharp and only contain a few points.