I'm working and waiting on delivery with some log amps now. These are based upon successive detection and can achieve very high DR. Back in ~2013 we did some IC designs in an advanced SiGe BiCMOS ~300GHz process that approached ~100dB DR.
They are highly temperature dependent tho, and must be carefully controlled, compensated and characterized for precision use, and a small error after the log compression expands to a large error after exponential expansion.
This was the ultimate limited factor in a new class of filters some years ago called Log Domain Filtering. The input signal was compressed into the log domain by a bipolar transistor and then filtering applied (the filtering is very complex mathematically). After filtering the compressed signal was expanded with a similar matched bipolar transistor. This worked beautifully and since the filtering was in the log domain this could easily be current controlled frequency scaled, which we did over 6 decades!! However the weak spot was the input noise was compressed, filtered and then expanded as expected, but the noise created in the log section was not prior compressed and when expanded became too high. The end result was a filter with good DR and amazing tuning range but very poor noise performance and never became widely used.
I think your approach might be useful on certain waveforms and expand the scopes apparent DR, but you are still limited by the scopes display. Maybe offload the log-amp captured data and process the signal on a PC may yield a better result. The thing to remember is that by log compressing, each scope ADC bit becomes a much larger representation of the signal, and any error represents a much larger signal error. Also look into the Hi-Resolution modes which expand the scope ADC with software, and the Eres function which is another software resolution expansion.
One clever thing that was done with the Bode Plots on certain Siglent scopes like SDS2000X Plus, was the scope input scale factor "gain" is scaled along with the DUT driving signal to "expand" the DR of the Bode Plot measurement as the frequency sweep was being applied. This allowed DUT devices with high attenuation like certain filters to be better measured by selective scaling the input scale gain and expand the input level for areas where the attenuation is high. I've played a little with this and it does work well, but slow. You can also create a "Profile" which allows the user to control the input signal level based upon expected DUT performance, nice features indeed!!! Others on here have much more experience with this than I, maybe they will comment.
Anyway, good luck with your project.