I've been hitting ebay hard lately, wife is about to kill me. This should be the last goodie for a while.
Made a low ball offer on an HP 53132A universal counter with option 010. The ad had the first picture of the counter upside down and it wasn't powered on in any of the pictures. The seller did state it was power on tested only - so it was a bit of a gamble. The listed price was $814.99. I offered $400 - they countered rather quickly at $600. So I countered at $425 shipped and said I didn't know if it really worked or how bright/dim the display was as it is an older HP branded unit and that was the most I could offer - 5 minutes later the seller accepted!
Received it today and it was actually very clean overall. The display is also very bright, it can't have been powered on too many hours. I verified it worked perfect and was super pleased at this point. Then I figured I would update the firmware. Well this is a rather dumb move if you don't save the calibration values before hand, and of course I didn't. The firmware is held in 4 29F010 PLCC 32 flash chips and is probably not really intended to be user upgraded. I had found newer firmware for download on the internet. I am a sucker for newer firmware, always have been, bricked a few devices because of it over the years. It seems I still haven't learned my lesson. It powered up with an EEPROM error, then the next power up it seemed fine. However every power up after that it now said it was "UNCALIBRATED" - opps! Now thankfully the story has a happy ending as I have happen to have the gear needed for a basic calibration(it doesn't need much) and it is working great again. Whew - so lesson learned I suppose.
I troll ebay quite often throughout the work day and most evenings, mainly for HP/Agilent/Keysight gear. I've seen tons of buy it now items that are smoking great deals. Often it isn't gear I need though or already have etc. I think maybe another thread should be started with hot deals, when someone sees a great deal and they aren't buying it themselves a link could be posted. I know I'd rather see someone from the EEVBLOG get a great deal vs a random person.
One last thought - I really feel for anyone not in the US trying to get the insanely good deals. I am in Canada but have a US shipping address and it is only a few minutes to cross the border to pickup packages. I can bid on most US based auctions but not all so I still feel pretty lucky.