I found a 437 last night with cable and sensor and after two offers that I've been turned down, I might just bite the bullet and buy the efing thing now. I mean come on, why would someone put BO if they're only going to take the buy it now price? Don't they know there are bottom feeders out there that need to be fed too?
The other question I have is how does one of these meters compare to a RYO using some of the AD chips? If you use a good ADC to read the DC output and calibrate it against a table, I would think some of the AD5513 and the others, can't remember the number(s), would also give them a run for the money. Wouldn't calibrating an AD5513 board with a scope and 50ohm standard be pretty accurate? Would also need multiple frequency tables I guess. The output signal would have to be amplified to the correct scale to feed the 8350 system so maybe that's a lot of work for so-so results.
Another question here, and this might not be the place, is how do these meters compare to an 8566B SA which is good to .2dBm, I think? I'll have to pull the datasheets. I think the 8566B goes to +30dBm, I know my Advantest SA does which is a little higher than most of the sensors on the 437 system. So do I really "need" the 437? ha, maybe I should move this to the TEA forum...
Darn, I guess I will try one more offer on the 437...