Today's Lecroy MS-250 was arrived, i test it and found, that one channel have no response on signal.
Trying to measuring the resistanse, it shows ~80Ohm instead ~100KOhm on works ones.
I try to add test signal directly to the main connector, and this "bad" channel is works fine.
I remove the flying leads from main block. But the low resistance on the flying leads still present. I disassemble the main connector side, and see how the microcoaxial cable is set to connectors pads, but there's no any active or passive elements is present here.
I disassemble the other side of connector of disfunctional channel, and there i see some passives 1 cap +1 resistor on parallel on the "HOT" pin.
And one SMD1206 -like element that "shorts" the HOT wire signal with a GND pad. There no marking on element, but green colored with a green dot on it.
Normal channel input range is +\- 10V is it a protection varistor??
Who can help with finding the replace??
Maybe someone know how to Hack it to the 500th version
On the 13th picture is interesting "jumper" maybe config?