here you go mike.. and anyone else with a TH2830 :-)
webx dot dk / th2830 dot zip
unpack the two txt files into folder of you own free choise
open the htm file
com port is connected to your th2830, i use 9600 baud, so that is what it defaults too,
also setup : avarage 1, speed medium.
this is first demo version,
so far you just setup the type of measurement on your th2830 hit lock to get back to local mode
the software take both measurements selected on the th2830 and perform auto scale trace
you can zoom and move and all that, add peaks and save csv file too,
ideas for next version : let the sw handle all the measurement modes,
and scale to pF nF uF and such correctly, that could be cool
so far the sw readout the values as they are delivered from th2830
that means capacitance is in Farads :-) and that is a little bit ignoring,
but there is a comment line, where you can edit a multiplier, enable that to make it read out in uF
as explained in the txt file