Small inductances at low frequencies will be very difficult to get reliable and repeatable results, reason is impedance Z is j*omega*L, where omega is 2*pi*F. So 10nH at 100KHz is only ~6.3 milliohms Z, at 1MHz a little better at ~63 milliohms and at 5MHz ~0.314 ohms.
For an instrument with 100KHz limit, seems 0.1 or 1uH is a reasonable lower limit with a Z of 0.0628 or 0.628 ohms respectively, which should be measured with some fidelity with a quality LCR meter.
One must remember that the LCR meter doesn't directly measure Inductance (or Capacitance for that matter), it measures the voltage across and the current thru the DUT, then computes the impedance Z at frequency, then the equivalent Inductance (or Capacitance) to produce that impedance.
With low impedances the setup and fixture as well as DUT contact impedance play a significant roll in the readings, the meter's Short Calibration attempts to remove these parasitic series impedance effects, but never quite prefect. Such a low DUT Z, the meter will supply a large current (usually the larger the better) to produce a higher DUT voltage reading, but limits come into play, especially with battery powered Handhelds (Tweezers).
Likewise high DUT impedances can be troublesome, such as small capacitances. Here parasitic shunt capacitances becomes the culprit and the meter attempts to remove this effect with an Open Calibration, effective but never perfect. Operating with a higher voltage and frequency increases the DUT current which helps but meter limits also come into play, usually favoring bench types over Handhelds (Tweezers).
Kelvin Clips just complicates things with the long cables, which can influence readings, favoring lower frequencies, and why direct connected DUT fixtures are generally preferred for both low and high Z components at moderate to higher frequencies.
Anyway, the trials and tribulations one goes thru for accurate repeatable DUT measurements with LCR Meters (any meters for that matter). As can be seen one Meter does not serve all DUTs, why we have the TH2830, IM3536, DER-5000 and 3 VNAs
Not to mention the various DUT fixtures, both OEM type and DIY including modded OEM types, all for the sake of mostly passive component measurements, of course YMMV