If you open the Vertical Scale menu, then Low = 10.000 0 V, High = 10.000 1 V, that's a 100µV span only. See first two screenshots.
It's not possible to manually choose a higher resolution, because number entry is also limited to 6 digits, for 10V, that's 5 decimal places only.
So there's no error with your instrument, obviously.
At 9.999 98 V input voltage, you will get higher resolution, and might specify Center = 9.999 98V, Span = 10.0000µV
PS: Or even more resolution, i.e. 1 tick = 250nV (Center = 9.999 99V), recorded at NPLC 100.
You can even distinguish the A/D's resolution of 100nV (1E-8).
It's also a '465A.