I dont know, is it? For sure, they call it the same way. The manual said it takes 20-30 seconds to do this, it takes several minutes on the 3458A, because the 1000 NPLC on the 3458A, while the xx65 and 70 are 100NPLC. We need to see a service manual, because the user manual is missing the details. Maybe after the teardown it will be more clear. Maybe Dave should cover this if he makes a review of the meters or ask HP/Agilent/Keysight to clarify.
This manual is already available, that is document 34460-90901.pdf.
This manual now contains special chapters for 34465A and 34470A, also describing their calibration routines, see snapshot from the DCV section.
Therefore, no artefact calibration!
See page 527, a Fluke 5270A is required, 10V and 10k artefacts won't do the job.
The A/D is only 1 .. 1.5ppm linear, which may correct gain 10 errors in the order of 10..15 ppm only, impossible to achieve a full autocal calibration. (compare that to 0.02ppm linearity of the HP3458A)
Then , the third indicator is in the specs.
All ranges diverge over time, i.e. the uncertainty gap between two distinct ranges increases over time.
On the 3458A, this gap is always constant, even after 1 year, as this instrument corrects all ratio uncertainties to the 24h specification, every time AUTOCAL is engaged.