Update rate at 200,000 waveforms per second is almost as fast as InfiniiVision, however a few other scopes claim that but in reality it's only in a special mode, so I'll wait and see what it really means. I think the S-Series managed about 1,000, which is typical for a high-end analysis scope which is more about deep memory than update rate. RTSA mode, with 400,000 FFTs per second is insane though - that makes it an 8-channel gapless spectrum analyser.
R&S has had fast updates in their analysis tier (RTE/RTO/RTP) since ~2010, and there it means: with short 1k acquisitions and all channels, it'll do 1,000,000 Wfm/s in dots mode, 600k Wfm/s in lines, and for longer acquisitions all the way into gigapoints use the rule (1.5 Billion / acq_points) to get Wfm/s. It's extremely nice to have both "modes" of operation in a single instrument, because even when I've got an application that does need the memory, I wind up doing a lot of "low-analysis" probing that benefits from Wfm/s. It's great to see Keysight join this fight in the analysis-class tier after crushing it with InfiniiVision!
It's even better to see Keysight leapfrog the R&S oscilloscope spectrum analysis. The big caveat in R&S scope land is that it only acts like a real time spectrum analyzer -- taking overlapped FFTs, compositing them for display, and running them past zone triggers --
inside acquisitions. That's a big limitation. It's still a heck of a lot faster than swept analyzers, frequency domain zone triggers -> time correlation is still a brilliant workflow, but POI isn't maximized like in a true RTSA. Caveat: I only *know* this to be the case on the slightly older instruments, but I've asked, both in person and online [1], and I'm pretty sure it's still the case on their latest.
One question on the MXR: the brochure mentions Digital Down Conversion -- If I want to capture 1MHz of spectrum at 2.4 GHz and time correlate it to, say, a SPI bus, am I forced to sample the SPI bus at 5GS/s, burning through memory and Wfm/s? Or am I allowed to sample the DDC signal and SPI bus at a few MS/s?
EDIT: Is there a way to link to youtube without embedding a preview?
EDIT2: Is there a way to link to youtube without embedding a preview and without using a sketchy URL shortener?