Yes, people are dramatically overshooting reality when it comes to guessing what I meant by "special." It was probably just a way to flag the instrument as needing disposal. Or a complete coincidence. I'm being coy to avoid encouraging an easter egg hunt.
> There is nothing special about this SA. This is all a stupid charade for a defence contractor somewhere.
That'd be my guess. In lieu of shredding, they Indiana-Jonesed it into a warehouse and years later it got accidentally liquidated. Oops.
> Is this an attempt to use "copyright" and "intelectual property" buzzwords to get rid of the high end used equipment market?
That was my knee-jerk reaction and the reason why my first move was "tweet it" (EDIT: not literal twitter) rather than "lawyer up." Shockingly, that was probably the wrong move. Not because it got me in hot water, but because I was probably wrong and it was therefore a dick move. Opening with a ridiculous IP claim was also a dick move, though. Fortunately, as we know, two dick moves make... err...
Regardless, I've cooled off. Even if I'm in a position to, I'm not looking to "soak 'em for what they're worth." I don't consider failure to extract maximum possible value from the situation a loss. There's still a big, reasonable middle ground here that makes both of us happy, and a very real likelihood that if I'm unreasonable they can make me unhappy. That's why I'm angling for "reasonable." Perhaps that's naive, but it's what it is.