This meter was only acquired recently, I can't tell all its history other than it had a little corrosion in the battery compartment.
It has been thoroughly cleaned, PCB closely checked for any signs of leakage.
Issue mostly happens on a "cold start", meter has been off for several minutes:
If I turn it on straight to the insulation test position, most of the time it will complain about batteries being low, sometimes enough to not allow the insulation test.
Switching from insulation to any other position makes no change on the low battery indication when returning to insulation test, no battery complaints on other functions. Switching off and back on once or twice will allow normal operation on insulation test.
Switching on to any other function then (after 2-3 seconds) to insulation test won't show low battery indicator/message.
I have tried with two new sets of different branded alkaline batteries, both giving the same behaviour.
Same problem is described here: have tried the "high current battery test" as described, it reads 5.3V but won't keep the meter happy on the next cold start.
Is this a well known problem, with a known solution or abnormal behaviour?
My firmware version is 1.04