It may be difference in temperature, as everything was running open, just like on photos.
Both measurements were taken within 5 minutes from each other, so it may be due to difference of LTZ die temperature.
Hello TiN,
no that's definitely not the case!
First of all, there's a temperature stabilisation on the LTZ1000, which makes it nearly independant from outer temperature variations. The stabilization temperature may change by about 0.1..0.3 °C per °C external change only.
The observed difference of 0.498V directly on Ube and OP(-) vs. 0.439V on OP(+) is 59mV, which would be a difference of almost 30°C of the chip temperature!!
That can't be the explanation at all, as that would require an external RT change of at least 100°C.
Looking closer on your photographs, titled "R264 and R265 measurements", I discovered non appropriate cables, that you are using.
You use Kelvin clamps with 4 cables, but on a DCV measurement!
That means, that the two cables connected to Ohm Sense are hanging totally free in thin air, that means they act as antennas for all kind of AC disturbances, especially from switch mode power supplies.
If you measured the 0.498V on the sensitive node Ube the same way, that's no wonder, why it's so different to the 0.439V on the same OP. The AC noise, coupled in over these cables, is rectified by the BE diode and added to the DC bias. Maybe also, that those long cables let the OpAmp oscillate, as soon as you connect to the OP(-).
To avoid disturbances, switch off all switch mode PSUs on your bench, and use a pair of short,
drilled twisted and/or shielded cables, being convenient for sensitive DCV measurement.
Measure at OP(-) (Ube) and OP(+), directly after each other, and both values have to agree within << 1mV.
( A residual injection of AC noise is expected).
It would be very kind, if you could repeat this measurement, please.