2. Is there a way of setting the output voltage in other units than Vpp? I'd much rather use Veff or dB.
no, there is no way to change voltage units. Note, that PSG9080 shows Vpp for open output connector (with no load)!
When you connect some device with 50 Ω port (for example receiver or RF voltmeter with 50 Ω input), the actual Vpp voltage will be twice smaller than displayed on the PSG9080 display. Just divide displayed Vpp voltage by 2 and you will get actual Vpp voltage on the load. This is a bit annoying, but for some reason Chinese manufacturers don't want to use more common voltage units. For example, as I know FY6600 has the same issue.
For non 50 Ω load you will needs to recalculate actual voltage (the same as with any other signal generator).
3. JOY-IT have a firmware update for 'their' PSG9080 from March 10 on their website. Unfortunately no further info or version history. Just saying...
thanks for the link, it looks that they decided to rename brand name for some reason.
I don't recommend to use their software for PC. Because
virustotal report it as dangerous.
And I don't see the reason for the PC software, because it's much better to control it from the front panel.
The only feature that needs PC software is to update firmware or upload arbitrary waveform. But if you decide to do it, it's better to use isolated PC with no internet. Do not share files from that PC with another computers for safety purposes.
I'm thinking about to write open source PC software to upload custom waveforms and firmware. But it needs protocol documentation and research. Unfortunately there is lack of information about protocol.
After some period of PSG9080 usage, I can report some found issues.
Firmware bugs (HW v1.20, FW v1.20, FPGA v1.20 - the latest FW at the moment):
Duty cycle don't works properly for the frequency 1'000'000 Hz and above. If you set 999'999 Hz or below that it works ok. But when you set frequency just 1 Hz above, the duty cycle setting is no more works as expected. This is obviously firmware bug, probably just some kind of mistyping in the source code or something like that. But be aware, with current FPGA firmware 1.20 you will be unable to setup duty cycle for the frequency 1 MHz and above. You can setup duty cycle for higher frequency on the display UI, but the actual signal output will be invalid. It stays close to 50% for any setting from 0 to 99.99%, but it is not exactly 50%, the actual duty cycle changes for about 2-5% instead of 0-100%.
FM modulation works incorrectly. When you connect FM receiver and test it, you will note a crackle sounds. There is some kind of overflow or incorrect signal processing mistake in the FPGA firmware 1.20. So you will be unable to use proper FM modulation with current firmware 1.20. For comparison AM and PM modulation don't have such issue.
Some pros and cons of PSG9080:
- very nice front panel design and feel with convenient buttons and knob (it is based on STM32F103RCT6)
- large contrast LCD display
- FPGA module based on SPARTAN-6 XC6SLX9 which can be nice for custom hobby experiments, but there is a lack of documentation
- you can power PSG9080 from a uni-polar 5V source. For example I'm using 10 Ah USB power bank with 5V/2A output to get full galvanic isolation from mains (actual current consumption is about 0.7-1.2 Amps)
- no output for a sweep sync
- sometimes it can produce overshoot voltage when you change settings. It needs to be used very careful with sensitive electronics
- very small SMD VCXO, so I'm afraid you will be unable to replace onboard oscillator
- about -40..-45 dBc even harmonics, probably due to R2R DAC.
- onboard DC/DC is not enough to keep proper voltage for 25 Vpp signals for any frequency and waveform type. If you use more than 10-12 Vpp, you're needs to check the actual output waveform on the load. I think it's possible to replace power supply with a good bipolar linear one.
Second harmonic is about -40..-45 dBc (sine waveform).
Actual bandwidth is about 60 MHz, it produce pretty nice sine up to 80 MHz, but above 60 MHz it has max 3.6 Vpp (max 1.3 Vpp on 50 Ω load) and some amplitude drop if you sweep from 1 MHz to 80 MHz.
Up to 30-40 MHz it has pretty nice flat response.
In overall, it works good enough and very comfortable for a lab experiments where you don't need a low noise or low harmonics distortions.
You can see some waveforms from PSG9080. I used a high speed 14-bit ADC AD6645 working at 96 MHz to capture it. For example, the first picture is a 10 kHz saw tooth waveform, you can see about 30% of the full wave height on the screen (I zoomed it to see more details).