Wow, didn't realise that many pages had been added since I last looked in!
Thank you for all the comments regarding amplifiers. I have learned a lot from the discussion. I can see how an amplifier might help to visualise the signal, but that is different to measurement which would require a knowledge of the characteristics of the amplifier as well as the scope to understand what one should expect to see. I can see that input impedance, amplifier DB gain and SNR all play a part in determining the result. Because, in addition to working with RF in tuner and IF stages, I am also looking to do some amateur radio work involving antennas and building filters etc, I am beginning to look at this noise issue as somewhat more relevant than I might have appreciated at first.
That still leaves the USB scope market underpopulated and with plenty of room to compete...
They don't seem to be "competing" very well with bench 'scopes in terms of bandwidth/number of channels per $$$ though.
They have a lot less hardware inside them (no screen, no application processor, no internal file system, no networking, no USB stick connector, no HDMI output, no knobs, much simpler case/chassis) so what's the excuse?
This was also explained numerous times: hardware BOM is minor part of development cost. Picoscope software has some features that you need to pay 5 digits to get otherwise..
Also since last time I wrote about this Pico added 3 new protocol decodes.. For free.
Actually, since I bought my PS3406D MSO few years ago it gained 6-7 protocol decodes, Deep measure etc...
Assuming money was no object, would you actually buy this PicoScope over the Rigol MSO5000? I have a genuine reason for asking. As I understand it, the PicoScope has the more refined software, yet both are 8-bit. The PicoScope can do Bode plots, although I am not sure whether it can do Fourier transforms. They both have a 16-channel LA and a sig gen, but how would the PicoScope fare with that 2mV signal example?
BTW, the comparisons were informative and interesting. Thank you to those who took the time and trouble to provide them. Of course, one might expect to see an improvements when going from an 8 bits to 10 or 12 bits, but even the 8-bit comparisons were quite stark.
One feature I want in Oscope is hands free operation. I have thought about doing this with some Python and MSO5000.
By hands free I mean I want to use voice commands like "Single Shot", "Hold", "Autoset", "Zoom in", "Zoom out", "Reset Trigger", etc. Wording and functionality might change but I think you get the idea.
There is nothing worse than probing something using microscope and trying to stop scope, autoset scope. The worse is when scope probe slips as you try to one handed hold the probe and ground and blow up a chip.
I can just imagine the scene: Alexa zoom in to.... Siri reset trigger.... Cotrana stop scope.... Sorry Dave I cannot do that....
Only kidding of course, but I can see how that scenario with a microscope might be a pain. I wonder whether this type of thing might be useful to assist with working hands-free: