Too good to be true cheap, but it's true, I have one in my hand. Looks to be in spec, teardown looks ok.
[...]The same meter that's not "no name" sells for 20 times the price on ebay.
Hen or egg problem: is the high price justified by spec and market or the result of warranty costs. Wouldn´t be the first manufacturer that instead of fixing issues rather tries selling cheaper by the dozen (... without marking, so no established brand name's reputation in danger).
Otoh, in the wake of import bans/tariffs and such, this might just be the result of global politics, who knows. You could try to contact the manufacturer and ask.
Or even domestic regulations!
I recall how in the '70s, when the FCC ruled that 23 channel CB radios sold in the USA after a certain date would not be legal to use.
Manufacturers, who had expected a much more gradual transition, were stuck with huge inventories of 23 channel CBs, which they proceded to dump on other countries at "lollipop" prices.
Countries like Australia where CB was not legal at all!
The place was awash with them, & combined with "CB" movies, it took the "CB movement" in this country from a trickle to a flood.
I'm kinda perplexed what to do here
I know you got the experience in this regard, but nevertheless don´t forget importing and reselling in commercial volume bears risks. Market situation or specs aren´t everything, there is also product safety, support and longevity.
Should I release a "review" video on this no-name thing?
Why not, brand names are better keyword-wise, might be hard to build a reference people would search for in the future, so the more details the better.