I finally finished assembling and installing the 12/3 power cable terminated with a NEMA 6-15P plug (250 V / 15 A) and got the voltage converter (120 V -> 240 V / 3,000 W) working.
So, here's the full frontal pornography as promised. In case it isn't blatantly obvious, the power supply is at the bottom with two 6 1/2 digit voltmeters on top of it. The HP in the middle is the more accurate of the two and well within calibration. Those are hand made 8 AWG copper leads you see coming out of it. The Fluke on top needs a little fine tuning
in the calibration department, but it's not too far off (Elenco leads coming out of that one).
Sadly, there's a narrow scratch on the protective plastic panel which is over the display. It is visible in some of the pics, but is purely cosmetic and doesn't affect operation in any way. It is far more prominent in pics at certain angles than during actual usage, but if anybody knows where I can get a replacement piece of clear plastic, I would be very appreciative.
Sorry, but all pics for now are at no load. It is amazing how accurate the voltages are compared to the typed in settings.
Small note for any photography snobs: All pics were taken at ISO 10,000 hand held on a Canon 6d with basement lighting, so no complaints about ISO noise in the pics, please. Also, I had issues with postimg and switched to imgur through my phone, so the quality has been made much worse. I will fix this when I get home...
You can click on any image to make it larger and click again to reduce it back to "postcard" size:
Please keep in mind that the unit has 35 mV programming resolution, so it rounds the entered voltages to the nearest discrete step. Treat the HP in the middle's reading as gospel:
120 volt test (no load):
5 volt test (no load):
Now you probably would not use a supply like this for a 1.2 volt DUT, would you? That's more of a job for a 6632A, as long as your needs stay under 5 amps. If you do wind up putting this supply to the task though, rest assured that it does a dandy job within its 35 mV programming resolution restrictions, of course:
The beautiful rear ends, pun intended
, showing old-school programming interfaces galore:
Some load tests coming in the near future (no sexual puns necessary for that statement). But don't expect to see 120 V at 18 Amps, unless I choose to burn my house down