After blocking out all the distractions, turning the tide on the appliance revolution currently taking place in the house (water heater, water softener and evap fan in the frig all in the last 2 weeks), some bench time revealed a burned trace on the power pcb. This trace hangs very close to the SCR overvoltage trigger transformer and was not immediately evident due to the angle I was viewing the supply on the test bench.
The burned trace connects the current sense resistor (upper right corner) to the front panel + output jack.
A resistance check of the series pass transistors showed no abnormal readings and +V to -V rail resistance check did not show any indications of a short on the power rails.
I wired in a temporary jumper wire from the sense resistor to +V jack and the supply sprung to life. Current control now works as anticipated and supply is stable and without any release of magic smoke after 2 hours of bench testing at full load.
Next up is the continuing investigation of the -14.7 reference voltage, still low @ -9.6v. Could I be lucky and have it just be the Zener?
Today was a big step forward to recovery of this "dumpster dive diamond in the rough".