I got my hands on a HM1005 a few days ago. It does work, but only for about 1-2 minutes after switching it on. Hameg has a manual with schematics here:
http://www.hameg.com/manuals.0.html. I cannot link directly to it, please search for "HM1005".
I checked the power rails and found out, that the -12V rail breaks down after a 1-2 minutes. It rises to ~1.7V (yes, positive 1.7V) The schematic for the -12V supply is on page D12. Looks like they use IC2002A and the +12V rail to regualte the -12V rail. The +12V rail and the rest remains stable though.
At first I thought of a short somewhere. However, measuring the voltage over R2011 reads 130mV (R2011 is 0.39R, that translates to ~333mA) after powering up and nearly zero after the rail breaks down. A short would lead to
more current here than normal operation, right?
Disconnecting any other boards didnt have much effect. It took a bit longer for the rail to break down, but nothing else.
It looks like a thermal problem *somewhere*, but I cannot find any too-warm-to-touch components in the area, T2006 and T2012 stay cool all the time. Same goes for IC2002A.
Help please?
Update: I was able to trace the problem to the supply itsef. The scope works fine when I power the -12V rail from an external PSU.
I can reproduce the -12V break down with some power resistors as load, takes ~1 minute with a 50R load. As before, no hot components. However, the rail remains stable without any load, so it has to be a thermal issue.