On the SDS 2k+ there's the option to install license for ARINC (ARINC 429 I suppose).
I can't find it mentioned in any manual and it does not seem to be an option for sale for the 2k+ (I do see it for the 7k, 5k, and 3kHD).
I've tried generating keys for various keywords ('ARINC', 'ARIN', 'ARC', 'ARINC4', 'ARINC429') to no avail.
I don't need it, I'm just curious since it does not seem to be mentioned anywhere. Yet it's there and available as a selectable decoder and my trial counter is now at 29.
Has anyone been able to get it going?
EDIT: From another thread, on the same subject - apparerently the keyword is 'A429'.