After one year, I checked and recalibrated my BM869 (vs. 3458A and 5442A, 5200A, resistance box).
First, here are some "as found" values:
DCV: deviation specification
500.074mV +0.015% (0.02%/yr.)
5.00051V +0.010% (0.02%/yr.)
50.0059V +0.011% (0.03%/yr.)
500.073V +0.015% (0.04%/yr.)
1000.17V +0.017% (0.15%/yr.)
Ohm, 3458A BM869 deviation specification
500.066 499.92 -0.03% (0.07%/yr.)
4k99999 4k9987 -0.026% (0.07%/yr.)
49k9988 49k989 -0.02% (0.1%/yr.)
500k017 499k92 -0.02% (0.1%/yr.)
999k997 1M0002 +0.02% (0.3%/yr.)
DCI deviation specification
500.06µA +0.012% (0.15%/yr.)
5000.6µA +0.012% (0.1%/yr.)
50.008mA +0.016% (0.15%/yr.)
99.99mA -0.01% (0.15%/yr.)
ACV, 1.1kHz deviation specification
500,03mV +0.006% (0.3%/yr.)
5.0003V +0.006% (0.4%/yr.)
50.009V +0.018% (0.4%/yr.)
110,16V +0.15% (0.5%/yr.)
Therefore, these ranges are well inside specification.
Then I recalibrated DCV and OHM and again rechecked the ranges.
All DCV ranges were spot-on afterwards, to the last digit.
Ohm has to be calibrated on 1/2 of full scale, i.e. at 250 Ohm, 2k5, 25k, and so forth.. that's a little bit strange, indeed.
When I afterwards rechecked the Ohm ranges on full scale, i.e. 500, 5k, 50k,.. I encountered a strange phenomenom:
500Ohm was also spot on, but all other, higher ranges were all a little bit low, nearly exactly to the as-found values before!
But the midscale values all were spot-on!
I recalibrated and rechecked all Ohm ranges several times, coming to the same conclusion:
The higher ranges all suffer from a slight non-linearity for values above mid-scale. That's also the reason, why it has to be calibrated on midscale.
I conclude, that the input protection circuitry causes this non-linearity, and that the Ohm ranges before the recalibration did not drift over the year as much, as I originally determined.
That's a slight disadvantage of this instrument, as it could perform better in Ohm mode.
In summary, the BM869 is quite reliable and stable, but needs calibration every year.