I was looking at Dave's video with Doug Ford where they put the Fluke 28II on Doug's generator. At the start of the video Doug states: 4.2-4.3KV, <1ms discharge and 400J for the small generator. I suspect this would be a fair bit different as he talks about charging the cap. It appears they ran it with the selector in DC mode.
My setup only puts at most in the 20J range at under 6KV. Even when I test with the old generator at higher voltages, the generator is below 20J. The pulse on the low voltage generator can be as wide as 100us FWHH and up to 50us on the high voltage generator. This is why I never see the level of damage shown in Dave and Doug's video.
Dave talks about the meter failing safe and is what he would expect. I would assume the resistor shown lifted was in place or the MOVs would not have cut loose. Based on how poorly the 87Vs I looked at performed, it makes sense to me that the 28II would see a fair amount of damage. It would have been interesting to see the Fluke 101, 107, 17B+ and 115 on this same generator and then compare the results with the 28II.