today we know Rigol E have 800 wfrm/s (you remember maybe Dave's video, 50000events, after ~60second first event was shown on Rigol).
No, no, no!! Dave's conclusions were wrong. I don't think it's likely that the Rigol DS1052E (or E series in general) does 800 wfrms/s - if it did, they would advertise it in their specs because that is a VERY good figure (look at the figures in the Agilent literature for much more expensive scopes). Please, let's put an end to this unverified information right now and not spread it any further.
yes, Dave's statement is wrong. You have actually to run for hours (at the best on multiple devices in multiple
time differences - to not catch the blind time for example or to not get fooled by positive event).
Agilent FG/test signal is 500kHz square signal, with one glitch every 50000 clocks .. so in principle 10 glitches
per second (now please don't start to divide these 800wfrm/s becasue this is not that simple).
This is why you can see on Dave's video multiple glitches catched by DSOX2000 (and not "single one").
Anyway, i build yesterday glitch generator (similar to what Agilent doing) , 500kHz square,
glitch every 500, 1k, 2.5k, 5k, 10k and 50k clocks. I just don't liked the code which i posted before,
it does the work too but every 1.3 second and one single event ever 65535 - for a scopes with
low wfrm/s the event takes forever and the chance to not catch them i very high.
Based on luck i can start the acq. in right moment, so getting waveform captured with calculated
1000-2000wfrm/s, or i can have no luck and start perfectly in blind time - after 30minutes no
single frame captured. Now this is of course when i set to 20ns/div, so only one rising edge visible.
Of course when i set to 2us/div you can see the gltich randomly on every xxx edge (if you can't imagin
how this looks like check Dave's DSOX2000 review).
Of course the probability to see the glitch increas with 500events per clock and decears with
50k eventsper clock - this is why i build all these versions to show the probability.
The interessting thing on HanTekway is that each xxx (random) glitch even all edges are triggering
- this is when the scope capture thread is synced with the glitch - followed by few ms nothing.
I will see maybe i shot a video of all these glitch snapshots with 500/1k/2.5k/5k and 10k.
Attached the code, works on every Atmega with 8k (for lower rates) to 16k (for higher rates), clocked with 20MHz.
You might wonder why so many nops, well i don't like the delay function because it si producing additional glitches,
a clock-exact nop is better. Even with nop's to 50k code was producing 50ns additional glitch every
10ms, so i corrected it to match too.
To trigger only on gltich you can setup your DSO to trigger on pos. 200ns pulse.
And yeah, you can of course output the 200ns pulse of different port and add it into the base signal
- for base signal it makes sense to add series termination to slow down rise time - for glitch leave unchanged
- and you will get very similar signal to what on Agilent (except the glitch width, it is 200ns and Agilent 100ns).