All these are with Hantek DSO5102B factory condition:Log continuous Sweep 1Hz - 20MHz, markkers around, start 1Hz, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1k, 2k 5k 10k 20k 80k 150k 300k 1M 2M 5M 10M 15M 20M scope AC, 50 ohm terminal in scope BNC (DC mode same over 1M but all below 1M is "flat" enough so that can tell... "flat"
Step sweep, start 5MHz, next longer is 7,5M. (all steps 2,5MHz, all vertical yellow lines are steps.. and all steps are sama timing but first step after 5MHz is long time (7,5MHz))
Connection: HP8567B, cood cable <2m, terminator (tektronix) 50 ohm in scope BNC
Same but now connection is HP8567B, same cable, terminator (tektronix),
10dB suhner attenuator, scope BNC.
(I think attenuator reduce scope input reactance bad effects littlebit?? (less "ringing")
Cursors are -3dB if reference (0) is 300mVp-p (6 div) So in this picture ~175MHz
Remember that this kind of test give some image about scope analog front end... (and test settings).
Looking signals with normal capture do not give this feq response! Using scope normal probes also make big difference.
Pulse, rise- and fall time set to 1.3ns (HP pulse generator). Geniksen käskynä tehdä 20ns pulssi. Kytkentä: genis. (Suhner)cable, (tek) terminator, attenuator 10dB (suhner) Scope BNC.