I have seen this lag issue both with normal and with singel trig.
Just now looking at a digital signal that changes a lot over time so it makes a good example.
I have one of the analyser signals also attached to CH2 and trigger on CH2, adjusting the trigger level high (trigger on overshoot) so it just barely catches events reduces the rate of trigs so I can see what it captures.
I have about 1 trig every 2 second, the common signal does not match, if I take note of the analogue signal I will see it on the analyser track on the next trig.
What seems to produce the correct result (analyser and analogue in sync) every time I tested it is to do RUN/STOP then halt it with Single.
I too noticed the slightly random lack of response from the "single SEQ".
Other thing to consider for a bug list:
With high trig rate I have random flashes on all analyser tracks with masses of random content, screen can be packed full of transitions on all analyser channels (connected channels and unconnected alike).
Looking over time it seems as if the random flashes can be related to content of the analogue channels, I sometimes see gaps corresponding to the high or low state of the analogue channels but it is not consistent even if I have a fixed pattern on the analogue channels.
memory depth in the analyser seems to be fixed at 4k.
Sampling a signal with ~10ns long pulses for 40us (display says 4.00us per division) of sampled data I start to miss pulses, with 80us captured i can miss all, or none, at 20us I do not see any misses.
Changing memory depth in Acquisition menu makes no difference.
I am testing my new MSO5102D (updated to latest Hantec SW but not hacked) and notice that the logic analyser results seems to lag the analogue channels by one trig.
ie. I get the data sampled on the previous trigger for the analyser part and fresh result for the two analogue channels.
Is this a know issue? I do not seem to find anything about it elsewhere.
Can you please give some more details and maybe illustrate with an example? I would like to try reproducing this issue.
The only 'place' I have seen a thing like this is during S condition, repeatedly pressing 'single seq'. You probably will need several pushes anyway before the analog signals in the display refreshes ( bug #40 ) and then you'll see the digital traces lag behind the analog for one refresh event( #41 in my personal buglist ).
A proper buglist for the MSO(MST) models has not been published yet, allthough Tinhead might be working on one, as far as I know.