Hi everyone,
I just revived a friend's Hantek DSO5072P that had stopped booting after only 3 hrs (!) of normal use. Turned out it had a corruped NAND flash. Bootloader was fine but it didn't even extract the Linux kernel any more.
Here are some things I had to research that might help others:
1. The 5000P series unlike earlier 5000 series can AFAIK not be flashed via USB. There is no supervivi bootloader available that runs on its newer SoC and the factory uboot bootloader can only flash what fits into the system's 64MB of RAM (the firmware image is 128MB). So your best bet is using JTAG.
2. If you don't have a complete firmware image from a 5000P series scope (not a 5000B or whatever other 5000 series) you are f***ed. Hantek only provides firmware updates, not complete firmwares. Luckily someone provided his fw_backup.bin on this thread.
3. A post by minescumarius was extremely helpful. It includes a config file for the H-JTAG software and pinout of the header. Cheers Mate!
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/hantek-tekway-dso-hack-get-200mhz-bw-for-free/msg1117378/#msg11173784. If you dont' feel like making your own interface, you can get one for 5 bucks shipped on aliexpress. The schematic minescumarius provided is exactly what is known as an 'ARM JTAG Wiggler (clone)'. Be warned: This needs a hardware parallel port - not some USB->LPT converter, not even a Thinkpad T60 ultrabay COM/LPT adapter worked.
Also I could not get H-JTAG working with that parallel port under Windows 7 x64, had to run it on a 32 bit version of Win 7, driver issue most likely.
I had some initial trouble getting H-JTAG to even detect my MCU - Only after I connected the two reset lines to the board I got it to work.
Also my flash process would stop with various errors until I realized that the 1 meter ribbon cable that came included with the 5$ Wiggler was a bit on the long side for signal integrity. Clipped a ferrite bead on there and all troubles were gone. You might want to use a shorter calbe or try the same.
5. Flash process took me around 200min at 11kB/s, so be patient.