Thanks to the hard work of the folks at and a coordinated effort against Hantek's distributors, all open source license code for the Hantek/Tekway DSO has been released:
we will be dissecting and making it available from a github repo within the next few days.
thanks!! wau... maybe manufacturers are shaking with fear... no.. in real world they just laugh.
Such declaration and the papers can use just as toilet paper in China.
There is no force of law in any real case, and certainly not in China. China have the Chinese laws and regulations of China and China's laws are in force - and only them. The only way is not to buy them outside of China. And, it is unlikely anyone would want to practice.
I want to see that these GNU dream ideologists go and try with some western company, example with Agilent etc..
Who equipment manufacturer they really open firmware.
What manufacturer can do better. They can make more difficult to look anything inside equipment. End - user need nothing other but these things what are for end user implemented in equipment. Nothing other need be open for end user - nothing. Even case can close so that end user can not go inside. Without breaking and damaging. If there is FW update need, it can do so that nothing is available for end user. After this, what for there need be open source codes or anything other open than user manual.
I hope Chinese manufacturers learn this and protect they products in future better. Becouse there is starting fourth world. There are soon so that company in China design and then manufacturing is outside China in some undeveloped countries where prices and work is really cheap.
It is totally different case if we make product what is open example son that "everyone" can do aplications for this product.
Oscilloscope, signal generator, power supply, spectrum analyzer etc. They are stand alone test equipmenst what have they functions and specifications and closed box. How you can show there is something inside what just you or other have right to get source codes. This you can try in Chines law room.
If there is free linux just use it and hide all source codes as well as Possible or what feel for Relevant protect product.
In reality, there is no legal way to force the manufacturer to comply with any of the paper which has no legal force, over the manufacturer.
Suitable for a try. The manufacturer can just smile and push these ideologists papers to the trash. I do not know any cases where someone could have been in China through judicial or other means to force a manufacturer to publish product source code.
Totally different case is if manufacturer look that it may be useful to publishe sources and then they want do it.
No one need give any source codes from ready made end user product where is user interface and not need touch embedded FW.
Anyone but the manufacturer does not need to get the software. The interface is a device intended for the use of buttons and controls as well as a screen for the device or the device coming out of the data which is intended for the end user.
These are NOT as called "open project" even if manufacturer have been littlebit lazy, loosy and... let some gates and windows open.
Uniguely In this special Hantek case it have been useful tah there have been possible to touch FW and maybe in this case it is better if source have been open.
But even without open sources (source codes) there have be posibility to do something thanks for tinhead, who have done and do lot of work to make and develop this product better than Hantek alone can do with they EE's who have maybe lack of experience for do good job and finished product.
So, use this gpl poems in this case as toilet paper.