Does anyone own a DSO 1000S series and can confirm these findings?
i don't have "S" handscope, but i know someting about the benchtop/other handheld models, which are as you
maybe already saw here similar to "S" Handhelds, so i will try to answer at least some questions.
And is the bandwidth hack to 200MHz also possible for new 1000S handheld hanteks?
yes it is
a Fluke scopemeter like Fluke199C
depends on the environment in which you suppose to use them, Fluke might be better idea. Not that Hantek is cheap plastic or so, but i trust Fluke much more (in case of what so ever).
The Hantek scope has a 4(!) times larger display and is much cheaper.
that's right, but Fluke have up to 2.5GSa/s per channel where Hantek is max. 1GSa/s in single and 500MSa/s in dual channel.
Fluke have as well nice recorder (up to 8 days timespan), which i actually never ever tested on Hantek (i know it can be set to e.g. 1000 frames with frame each every 30s or so, but thats far from "8 days" on Fluke, not to mention the nice chart.)
- Is it right that the Hantek scope does NOT have the option to SAVE a FFT spectrum? I see in the manual that it can save channel 1 or 2, but not the MATH channel. Who can verify this?
not sure if S model firmware is already on benchtop model stage (in principle it should as they using same platform),
but on benchtop models itself you can save CH1/CH2 data as
- Screenshot
- Recorder data (all waveframes, via recorder)
- single Waveframe (via wave record)
where the FFT can be only saved as REF.
- The Fluke displays the frequency and amplitude of the peak in a FFT automatically. With the Hantek you must select the peak value with the cursors, which is much more cumbersome;
on handhelds, with no rotary knobs, that sucks indeed. It takes "hours" to push all the buttons to right/left, and then switch from horizontal to vertical to read value, crazy. On benchtop you can use tracking cursor in FFT, it is not the best solution
becasue you have still to scroll left/right with buttons, but at least it does detect peaks and shows the values. However, the last time i played with handheld there was no tracking cursor.
- The Hantek scope has a smallest sensitivity of 5V/DIV. This means that when measuring the mains (640Vpp), a 1:100 probe has to be used. The Fluke has a max of 100V/DIV, so no special probe is needed;
with such needs i would not buy Hantek ^^ I don't trust myself, one day 1:10, then 1:100,ehm no, better directly handheld which is more robust. On the other side, when you can work with all the disadvantages, the price is for sure a big plus.
I'm not the biggest fan of Siglent, but they have isolated handheld as well, you should check the specs as well.