Author Topic: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO  (Read 884325 times)

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Offline Chriss0422

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #900 on: February 17, 2016, 02:22:23 pm »
Hello everyone, been a while since I have poked in here... I have some free time coming up and I want to hammer away some more Bugs, GUI and Measure in particular...

If anyone would like to compile a list of known Bugs either new or previously mentioned on the last release and how to replicate them it would be helpful :P

In regards to the Measurement problems, if anyone can get some screenshot comparisons between correct stock software measurement and incorrect Open6022 measurement that would be a great help!

I had to reverse engineer the Measurement code from the original DLL and there might be some data loss in converting between data types...

Also, I was made aware of a GUI/INI bug where changed waveform colors wouldn't be restored after closing and reopening the program, I fixed that today and when I get some more bugs fixed I'll compile a new build for everyone with updated source.

Hello RichardK !

Nice to see you again !
In my previous post you can find some bugs I detected with your software :
For you information I use 6022BL (I copied the needed DLL). I would like to add in a wish list the full support for this device. I mean not having to copy DLL to make your software works with it. Maybe a selection in a menu for example...etc.

Thanks a lot RichardK.

ps: I would recommend to have a dedicated post for your software because this post mixes lot of topics (installation issues, windows compatibility...etc)

Offline bianchifan

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #901 on: February 17, 2016, 04:20:20 pm »
Hello everyone, been a while since I have poked in here... I have some free time coming up and I want to hammer away some more Bugs, GUI and Measure in particular...
What about the idea to unite all efforts on cypress based USB-Scopes in one repository?
Unite all OpenHantek efforts in Openhantek Repo on Github

Offline ArekS

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #902 on: February 18, 2016, 10:03:26 pm »
The 50 & 100Hz frequencies on a FFT scope are commonly called "markers".  For a starter I would input one or both markers into the DSO and set the DSO to display them.

Sorry, my explanation with the own horizontal axes was a bit confusing, i meant the same.

If using the original Hantek Software, the markers would help to estimate my sensor-frequencies.

I set up the demo mode in the software to display a ramp sweep from 50 to 100 Hz and the signal blip was at the extreme left of the display.  In demo mode I couldn't find a way to move the blip from the left side of the display.  There doesn't seem to be a Horizontal position control.

My settings were 8v input and 1 sec/div.  Higher frequencies do display the blips moved to the right of zero.  I would guess this is a limitation of the software.

If using the Open6022BE Software you can switch on "show fundamentals", but as you said, the signal blip is at the extreme left, so you can't read it.

In my opinion the 6022BW is OK to analyze a relative slow, regular PWM or a sinus. But for everything else it's not enough. I will send the Hantek back, just purchased a SDS1102X. Anyway, thanks for help!

Offline PP3331

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #903 on: February 27, 2016, 03:35:18 pm »
I can see there's info relating to this scattered all over the place, but much seems conflicting, and I'm hoping to nail this down (once and for all?)

I have a new 6022BL unit. It came with a normal USB cable (not the double plug extra power type some folks describe). Setting up with standard Windows 7. I have not used the supplied CD. I downloaded the 6022BL app package which included drivers. Installation of everything seemed OK. The app is version 1.04.

When I plugged in the unit for the first time I saw a normal driver install sequence -- it sounded like more than one driver was installed. Button on back of unit is pushed in. Red light is blinking.

So far, I haven't been able to see any signal at all on the app. When I try use the load defaults function, the app usually crashes shortly thereafter.

Win7 device manager shows the Hantek driver as working -- it shows a single DRIVER 2 entry.

I also downloaded the 6022BL standalone driver from the Hantek site and updated the device driver in the usual manner using that driver successfully. No obvious changes -- still blinking red, no signal displayed.

Bottom line: I'm not sure what's going on here, and in fact suspect I may be overlooking something obvious.

For example:

I've seen conflicting descriptions on what the blinking red light means. When should it blink red? When should it blink green? When should I go get a drink?

Is there some obvious aspect of the application software setup that I may be missing?

What is the correct position for the button on the back of the unit? I have it pressed in. The manual simply says "press in" for Hantek software. From another source I saw a reference that suggested that with the button OUT the logic analyzer side would work with Saleae software. Is this correct?

More importantly, how can I determine for sure whether this unit is operational or not, whether I have the drivers installed properly or not, or whether I am using the application correctly for a simple GO/NO GO initial test?

Thanks very much!

Offline daybyter

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #904 on: February 27, 2016, 08:17:26 pm »
One thing you can check is the USB id of the device. When you unplug the device, the firmware is lost. So each time you plug it in, the 6022be shows up as USB device 0x04b4:0x6022 IIRC. Then the firmware is loaded, and the USB id is changed to 0x04b5:0x6022 . So the USB id is an indicator, if the firmware was uploaded to the scope.

Offline PP3331

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #905 on: February 27, 2016, 08:50:13 pm »
Here's what I see (in attachment). Thanks!

Offline PP3331

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #906 on: February 27, 2016, 09:21:42 pm »
Here's what I see (in attachment). Thanks!

Got it going. Took some driver manipulations but finally got them loaded correctly. Ya' know, I see folks kinda bitching about this unit, and maybe it's just that I'm old enough to remember what stuff used to cost, but for 80 bucks (this is a BL unit with the logic analyzer function also), this seems (for what it's designed to do) to be a pretty damned nice piece of kit.

Thanks again!

Offline daybyter

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #907 on: February 28, 2016, 04:37:48 am »
Great, that you solved your problem!

I think over here, there are not that many complaints. I still think it is a great little scope for the price. It has already helped me to diagnose some problems of old computer hardware (where frequencies are much lower than today), so it was a good buy. My bigger problem is the win XP, that I use to run the software. So I definitely want to get rid of that.

Offline PP3331

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #908 on: February 28, 2016, 04:53:42 am »
For the record, both the Hantek and Open6022 software appear to be OK under Win7. Next on the list: Sigrok!

Offline Merlyn

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #909 on: March 06, 2016, 01:52:59 pm »
Concerning the measurements issue below are screen shots of both software with zero signal, 1V x1 and 8V x10. Measurements taken with my DMM (it's an average one) match those in Hantek original software.
Let me explain my situation in brief. I'm servicing audio amplifiers and what I need is quite simple - see the wave form and measure the output and the output power in watts.
Forgive my ignorance in coding/software matters but I have the following question:
Is it possible to include an option where the software will calculate the output power in Watts?
During testing audio amps' outputs are connected to a resistive dummy load with known value. Usually an amp has outputs for 4, 8 or 16 Ohm speakers or all of them together. When testing with dummy load its value is one of those.
Given those already known common values is it possible to include and option where after choosing one of those from a menu (or have them as "fixed options") to include "Watts" calculation option in the measurement window?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 02:07:45 pm by Merlyn »

Offline Rick Law

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #910 on: March 07, 2016, 08:48:51 pm »
Concerning the measurements issue below are screen shots of both software with zero signal, 1V x1 and 8V x10. Measurements taken with my DMM (it's an average one) match those in Hantek original software.
Let me explain my situation in brief. I'm servicing audio amplifiers and what I need is quite simple - see the wave form and measure the output and the output power in watts.
Forgive my ignorance in coding/software matters but I have the following question:
Is it possible to include an option where the software will calculate the output power in Watts?
During testing audio amps' outputs are connected to a resistive dummy load with known value. Usually an amp has outputs for 4, 8 or 16 Ohm speakers or all of them together. When testing with dummy load its value is one of those.
Given those already known common values is it possible to include and option where after choosing one of those from a menu (or have them as "fixed options") to include "Watts" calculation option in the measurement window?

The scope can do math, but with the traces you show (first two in low teens mV), you will not have a meaningful display.

To do power, you need both current and voltage.  You can insert a 0.1ohm resister as current sense, so each mV is 10mA; or if the system can drive it, insert a 1ohm as current sense.  So you can measure both V(current sense) and V(total out) and use the math button to multiply the two.

Without dragging in my laptop and powering up my scope to check, I think the 8bit adc on the scope is not going to measure well in the below 20mV resolution.  So, check out the math function button and  just pray it is adequate for your needs.

Offline Merlyn

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #911 on: March 08, 2016, 11:56:18 am »
I included the mV windows only to show the difference between the stock and OpenHantek software measurements as requested by RichardUK.
When testing an amp (for onset of clipping) the output is usually in the 5-40V range so the whole idea is to get the Watts measurement automatically in a separate row in the measurements window after choosing the load at which the amp is tested (or choose from a preset, "built in" value. It's usually a 4, 8 or 16 Ohm dummy load.
If a scope software can make all kinds of complicated measurements I guess it's not going to be any problem to include the Watts option provided that dummy load values are known and the rest is just a simple Ohm's law calculation (V^2/R=Watts).
« Last Edit: March 08, 2016, 12:00:44 pm by Merlyn »

Offline rosasharn

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #912 on: March 14, 2016, 06:12:08 am »
I found a newer Hantek6074BE.
Is it the same family as Hantek 6022BE?

Offline picandmix

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #913 on: April 08, 2016, 05:20:54 pm »

Trying to help out a young lad who has bought one of the 6022BE scopes.

He has it running on his laptop with W10 and used the  W8Drivers from the Hantek disc along with the application V1.0.5

We have run some comparative tests with my old 60mhz Hameg analogue scope and the results not that bad for the money.

However the two things that annoyed were the noise and the trigger right to left jitter that can be as much as 1/4 of a division.

Loaded the program onto my Desktop with W8.1 and it gave  the same levels of noise and but the jitter was probalby 1/2 of a division, using USB2 or USB3 ports

Reading though some of this very long thread seems some of the hardware mods done by RichardK can improve the noise but cannot establish if  it had any affect on the trigger jitter or is that improved by his software ?

Have downloaded RichardK software dated Dec 2014 but seems it all at code level.
Afraid neither of us have a clue what is needed to compile and turn those files into a usable  program, so wondered if anyone has a copy of an actual program file we could use ?

Lastly, for this young lad , who is a novice to scopes/electronics generally, is there a good but basic tutorial pdf or video that match his level and that of this Hantek 6022BE ?
Know there are a lot of scope tutorial mentioned in the forum but they seem aimed at the more advanced user with fully featured scopes.


Offline daybyter

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #914 on: April 09, 2016, 11:49:41 am »
Seems you downloaded the sources? The executables were published earlier in this thread.
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Offline picandmix

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #915 on: April 09, 2016, 01:47:58 pm »
Seems you downloaded the sources? The executables were published earlier in this thread.

Thanks, trying to work at the speed of the young lad I missed the obvious !  :D

He has also seen this post and has just run that program but says it did not have any effect on the trigger jitter, something he will have to live with ..?

Suggested he does not open the unit and do any of the hardware mods on the pcb for a good few weeks in case he has to return the unit under warranty for any reason.

Offline cliff33

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #916 on: April 13, 2016, 02:39:46 pm »
Hi all:

This is my first post and glad I found this great thread.
Received my 6022BE 2 weeks ago and was working just fine.
Now however the amplitude/pp measurements are all wrong.
With probe set at x10 and connected to the right side hook, it
reads 200mv instead of 2 volts. Both channels are the same.
 Just wondering if it's a fault in the software or a hardware problem.
  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Offline TomC

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #917 on: April 13, 2016, 03:53:15 pm »
Hi cliff33,

Do you have both the probe and the software set to x10?

Offline cliff33

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #918 on: April 13, 2016, 05:13:39 pm »
Hi TOM, thanks for responding.
The volts/div only goes to a high of 5 volts,which then gives me just a straight line.
 Is there somewhere else to go in software for that x10?
Maybe I,m missing something.
BTW: I'm using win vista. But on my Xp the same problem.

Offline picandmix

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #919 on: April 13, 2016, 07:45:32 pm »
Assume you have followed the Instruction manual and set the switch on both probe bodies to X 10 ?

The default configuration with the  inbuilt square wave  2v signal does give a very small trace.

As in this pic, you need  these settings to see the correct 2v per div signal.

Offline cliff33

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #920 on: April 13, 2016, 10:10:53 pm »
Yes both probes are set to x10 and it used to work as you just showed with the 2volts listed at bottom of screen.
Now I have to set sensitivity  to  100mv to get a decent display. And more static.
Thanks for your input.

Offline cliff33

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #921 on: April 14, 2016, 02:10:52 am »
Thanks guys,
 I found x10 for software on right side of screen and got it to work normal again.
Sorry if I bothered you for nothing.

Offline macinblack

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #922 on: May 19, 2016, 10:34:24 am »
Hi guys,

I want to buy one DSO USB Oscilloscope for my little electronics projects under 100$, the hank 6022BE have RichardK software and I read that it's a good choice, or in this moment I have another DSO oscilloscope with better software? I will buy in europe.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 12:28:15 pm by macinblack »

Online Gyro

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #923 on: May 19, 2016, 11:19:14 am »
You should certainly consider all the scope options within your price range, there are several forum threads of the various alternatives.
Best Regards, Chris

Offline macinblack

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Re: Hantek 6022BE 20MHz USB DSO
« Reply #924 on: May 19, 2016, 01:40:13 pm »
I'm student of electronics engineering and I want to buy a cheap usb oscilloscope (probably hank 6022be) and a function generator (feeltech fy3224) to start... It's the right choice? With this 2 things i will spend around ~120 euros (~140 dollars), that is my small budget :P

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