There were rumours about updates of Hantek 4032L LA firmware, so I've contacted Hantek support and was surprised: an FPGA update dated 2 March 2018 fixing some bugs and finally activating the advertised but never seen external clocking feature
They are not releasing it to their public download area for some unknown reason, so it is here: Hantek wouldn't be Hantek if everything were so simple
Their updater tool (the tool itself, FPGA bitstream is ok if you manage to write it to flash) doesn't work on old LA units (or on all units? I know two more 4032 users and it didn't worked for them too).
It shows a progress bar, says "OK" at the end, but nothing gets written (the old LA's current FX2 fw doesn't support the flash r/w commands sent by the updater, but it ignores the errors happily).
So, cooperating with another happy 4032L owner we've cooked our own tools:
- C/Libusb version: Python/native Hantek driver version: Various FPGA bitstream versions collection: report if you find the original updater working on your unit (so it says ok AND you really get extclk feature working, or shows some changes).