Alright, here is the result of entering "/rigol/appEntry -run" at the <root@rigol> prompt while connected to MSO5000 via SSH:
<root@rigol>/rigol/appEntry -run
7 2048 16 2 "/dev/fb0"
servscpi.cpp 120 "The bound address is already in use"
Cal Data: "/rigol/data/cal_1.hex"
default setting by user set
insmod: can't insert '/rigol/drivers/libcomposite.ko': File exists
insmod: can't insert '/rigol/drivers/usbtmc_dev.ko': File exists
usbtmc.cpp 129 error:can not open /dev/usbtmc_dev,fd:-1
insmod: can't insert '/rigol/drivers/usb_gpib.ko': File exists
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CCU wait stop fail---------------------
Reads quite dramatic at the end, like a computer's dying words. It made me go look at the scope in the garage to make sure it hadn't caught on fire while I was telnetting from upstairs. Of course it was fine
Hope this info is helpful to those that know what it means