If indeed Rigol pursue the market this way, and they monitor these forums, then in the interests of getting these sort of "Expandable" products, I suggest readers posting here to be nice with their comments.
I have bought a 100 MHz version, waiting on delivery. I'd like them and the local rep to make some decent margin on this scope, I think having an entry at the low price of the 70 MHz scope that is "Expandable" is canabalizing their market, IMO they don't really have to go that cheap , unless they really have the cost right down to peanuts. In the west we might think 3x to 4x cost is about the minimum sell price for pro gear, but these guys often work on maybe 1.2 to 1.5x and it is just a numbers game.
Rigol's competition are responsible for bringing high performance low cost scopes from all the A class manufacturers. It's the reason I support AMD with their Ryzen , and have all my systems here now Ryzen. (even though I can afford any processor I want) - they are responsible for holding Intel to account and providing some innovation in that market segment.