Indeed, there are a ton of similarities with that post against what I did a few days ago, thanks for sharing @tv84
So, cfger is indeed the encryptor/decryptor of the shell scripts. It uses AES encryption.
<root@rigol>./cfger -h
-r name:read the value of name
-i file:read model,version,date to file
-c name value: compare bwtween the value of name with value
-s name value: set the value of name
-t file: remove the all zero of the file
-d input output: decrypt the input to output by aes
-e input output: crypt the input to output by aes
-h : show this help information
.data:000196D4 AES_KEY DCD 0xFECFD8BA ; DATA XREF: sub_B174+34o
.data:000196D8 dword_196D8 DCD 0xC4B5AABB
.data:000196DC dword_196DC DCD 0xBFD4D8C3
.data:000196E0 dword_196E0 DCD 0xDDBEFDCA